In an important step forward for the currency impact investment community, a new online page (here) has recently been launched by Record PLC and Lemma FX which supports Record’s ongoing disclosure obligations to investors and potential investors under Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 for its innovative Emerging Market Sustainable Finance fund.
As noted on the page, Record is “… committed to becoming sustainability leaders. The launch of these innovative strategies, which are accountable using Lemma’s FX tool, represents a pivotal development in Record’s strategic transition towards modernisation and growth, whilst also developing our ESG and sustainable investment capabilities, in order to deliver added-value for our stakeholders.”
A particularly noteworthy feature of this Record and Lemma FX partnership is the drive to highlight the beneficiaries of investments, in sharing the ambition to ensure the countries’ poorest are positively impacted through the collective efforts of all impact investment ecosystem participants.
Lemma FX very much looks forward to continuing this partnership with Record, as it aspires to set the industry standard for verifying impacts on the currencies of emerging and frontier currency markets. In striving to achieve this objective, it continues to work with all ecosystem participants to measure and verify an increasingly diverse number of investments and funds.